How Many Words in a Nonfiction Book? A Practical Guide to Word Counts

book publishing book writing Feb 13, 2025

How Many Words in a Nonfiction Book? Find the Best Word Count

How many words does a nonfiction book need? The typical range is between 50,000 to 80,000 words, give or take. This article explains why this range works best and provides insights into different genres that you may be considering for your book. Knowing how many words are typically in a nonfiction book can help you set realistic goals and timelines for your writing projects.

Key Takeaways

  • Aim for a nonfiction word count between 40,000 to 80,000 words. Be aware that specific genres may have their own guidelines.

  • Chapters should ideally be around 4,000 words, that balances providing enough information while avoiding overwhelming the reader.

  • Following word count recommendations can affect how marketable a book is to publishers and impact reader satisfaction, whether you’re traditionally or self-published.

  • Word count matters as it influences how readers, agents, and publishers perceive your manuscript.

How Many Words in a Nonfiction Book? Find the Best Word Count

An illustration showing the varying word counts in nonfiction books, highlighting how many words in a nonfiction book can differ.

In the world of nonfiction, the word count is more significant than one may assume. Typically most books range from 50,000 to 80,000 words in order to align with what readers and publishers anticipate. Keep in mind that this is a guideline, not a hard and fast rule. The average of 50,000 words allows an in-depth exploration of a topic while not overwhelming the reader with too much information.

Finding the balance with your word count contributes to the quality of your content without oversaturating the reader. A higher word count allows you to go into more detail and provide case studies, in-depth stories, and match the intended audience's needs and a lower word count might be interpreted as an incomplete or not well-researched .

The number of words carries considerable weight when evaluating marketability among agents and publishing professionals. Typically between five to twenty chapters, most nonfiction book chapters hover around 4,000 words each. Chapters falling under 1,000 words could be interpreted as less relevant. These chapters might benefit from being merged with other sections.

On the flip side, significantly longer chapters may lose the reader's attention—hitting just the right proportion ensures coherence per chapter as well as precision in detail delivery. If more words are added the target reader needs to understand the value it provides, whether it's experiencing deeper emotions or providing practical exercises.


Embarking on the creation of a nonfiction book begins with an impactful idea and evolves into a comprehensive work consisting of carefully structured chapters. Your word count holds significant weight. It will impact how engaging, marketable, and applicable it is for your target audience. Understanding the typical word count across genres like self-help and business helps authors to have a benchmark that will better attract the attention of publishers and readers.

Different categories within nonfiction have established ranges for word count that shape both presentation and reader involvement.

Grasping these guidelines can greatly assist you in aligning your manuscript with what publishers seek and what resonates well with readers—ultimately enhancing the likelihood that your book thrives among the competition.

Understanding Nonfiction Book Word Counts

In nonfiction, following a specific word count helps you understand what has been the standard. Typically, it’s advised that a nonfiction book ranges from 50,000 to 80,000 words, give or take, so as to address reader preferences and publisher standards. A standard ten-chapter nonfiction book often encompasses about 50,000 words.

When the length of nonfiction work extends beyond 100,000 words, it might be too long for most readers. Each chapter should ideally not surpass 4,000 words. This creates a strong balance between being thorough and concise. Should any individual chapter exceed 10,000 words it would likely benefit from dividing it into subchapters.

It's essential not just to hit a target word count, but to prioritize the quality of content above anything else. Readers who value clear and concise ideas over excessive rambling will appreciate that the author is providing only what is necessary.

Average Word Count for Nonfiction Books

The average word count for nonfiction books varies depending on the genre and category.

Here are some general guidelines for average word counts in different nonfiction genres:

  • Memoirs and Biographies: 60,000 to 90,000

  • Business and Self-Help Books: 40,000 to 70,000

  • History Books: 70,000 to 100,000

  • Science and Technology Books: 50,000 to 80,000

  • Travel and Adventure Books: 40,000 to 60,000

It’s essential to note that these are general guidelines, and the ideal word count for your nonfiction book will depend on your specific goals, audience, and content.

Planning Your Nonfiction Book

Planning a daily and weekly word count will help you stay on track to finish your book on time.

Here are some steps to help:

  1. Define Your Book’s Purpose and Scope: Determine the main message of your book, and identify your target audience. Understanding the core purpose will help you stay focused on the most important information to include.

  2. Develop a Detailed Outline: Create a detailed outline that breaks down your book into sections, chapters, and headings. This will serve as a roadmap, to help you stay organized and recognize where you need to expand or be more concise.

  3. Set a Realistic Word Count Goal: Based on your outline, estimate the total word count for your book and set a realistic goal. This helps you manage how many words you need to aim for during each writing session.

  4. Create a Writing Schedule: Break down your writing into manageable chunks, and set a daily or weekly writing schedule. Consistency is key to making steady progress and meeting your goals.

  5. Research and Gather Information: Be thorough in researching relevant information to support your ideas. Well-researched content adds credibility and depth to your book and will help it have a higher impact.

By following these steps, you can effectively plan your nonfiction book and achieve your word count goals. Proper planning not only aids in managing the overall word count but also enhances the quality and cohesiveness of your work.

Ideal Word Count by Genre

Authors seeking a traditional publisher need to be aware of different genre word counts such as self-help, business books, and memoirs..

Self-Help Books

Usually, a self-help manuscript should contains between 40,000 and 60,000 words to meet reader expectations for precise and clear content that avoids excess detail. Setting a goal for around 50,000 words will give you enough space to add remove when you move into editing.

To augment the word count in self-help books while maintaining quality content, authors can include exercises and supplementary materials. Thhis approach gives the book value by keeping readers involved by seeing how to implement their new knowledge clearly.

Business Books

Typically, business books contain between 50,000 and 65,000 words. The normal span for the average word count in this genre extends from 40,000 to about 70,000 words. This affords sufficient room to dive into subjects with thoroughness while maintaining a manageable length for readers who are often pressed for time.

For business and finance literature specifically, the word count can vary widely from as few as 40,000 to as many as 80,000 words based on how comprehensively the topic needs to be explored. Within these limits, authors aim to deliver substantial insights and practical guidance that aligns with what readers anticipate and aids in making their work more appealing within its market segment.


Memoirs, which are based on the personal experiences of the author, typically have a higher word count to effectively tell the author's story. On average, memoirs range between 60,000 and 90,000 words.

While it is typically suggested that memoirs fall within the range of 60,000 to 80,000 words in length, these works can vary anywhere from 60,000 up to even 90K depending on how intricate the tale is.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self Publishing

In the realm of traditional publishing, there is an expectation for nonfiction books to have the same word counts as other books. If you are pitching your book to a tradtional publisher, it’s important to provide examples of comparable titles that support your book length.

Authors who opt for self-publishing enjoy greater flexability, but being aligned with reader's expectations is still important.

Genrally speaking books are skewing towards shorter lengths due to changes in attention span and increased costs of producing a book.

For authors targeting business and financial topics specifically, they should aim within a range between 40,000 and 80,000 words so as not to deviate excessively from established expectations of potential readers. Ensuring proposals include an analysis of the target market underscores its viability—critical information particularly relevant in presenting nonfiction manuscripts within customary parameters.

Adjusting Your Manuscript's Word Count

Word count matters when it comes to your manuscript; depending on how you plan to publish if it exceeds or falls short of the standard word count by 10,000 words, some additional editing will need to be done.

To modify your manuscript to align with suggested word counts for its genre—whether that involves reducing an excessive word total or adding more—here are several strategies to use.

Expanding Content

To increase the word count oftentimes the easiest path is to add in an additional chapter, include exercises for readers, and provide supplementary materials. Otherwise, authors can add more descriptive language and convey various emotions to provide greater complexity.

Assign each chapter a specific aim by evaluating its principal message as well as how these contribute meaningfully to the narrative thread throughout the book. Providing chapters with key takeaways involves readers at a deeper level by offering memorable stories or having them apply the content to their current circumstances.

Cutting Down

To cut the word count, it may be necessary to eliminate material that you like but does not contribute positively to your manuscript. By removing such content, an efficient reduction in the word count can be achieved.

To successfully cut the word count, concentrate on identifying central themes and seek feedback on your manuscript to maintain that message will give you guardrails and make it easier to know what to cut out.

Practical Considerations for Nonfiction Authors

The word count directly impacts the book expenses related to its printing and binding. Books with higher word counts are longer and cost more to print, which cuts down on the profit margins.

Authors need to keep their target audience’s preferences in mind when deciding on an ideal word count and chapter length. By integrating feedback from beta readers into the work, authors can craft a manuscript that not only has an appropriate length but also resonates well with readers.

Beta readers offer a unique perspective. They act as stand-ins for your target audience by helping you align your writing with what future readers might expect to gainf from the book.

The Role of Beta Readers

Authors gain significant feedback through beta readers. Beta readers can identify areas of confusion or where further examples are needed. Before proceeding with the final round of revisions, authors commonly have one to two rounds of beta reader feedback.

Utilizing beta readers can be especially advantageous for those who self-publish and do not have access to formal editorial assistance. To get the most about of beta readers feedback clearly communicate what kind of feedback your are looking from them.


Word count is a crucial aspect of writing a nonfiction book. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the ideal word count, most nonfiction books fall within the range of 50,000 to 80,000 words. By understanding the average word count for your nonfiction genre you can plan your writing schedule more accurately and create a well-structured and engaging work that meets your goals and resonates with your audience.

Maintaining proper length can significantly improve both its appeal and commercial viability. By following particular word count recommendations for the various nonfiction categories, you’re more likely to meet both reader expectations and publisher preferences. Setting out with an intent to craft a work that educates while captivating readers is paramount.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information on word count and nonfiction book writing, here are some additional resources:

By utilizing these resources and following the tips outlined in this article, you can create a well-written and engaging nonfiction book that meets your word count goals and resonates with your audience.


Following the ideal word count for your nonfiction book helps your reader, your publisher, and yourself create a book people will enjoy for years. Strive for a range between 50,000 and 80,000 words or tailor this figure based on the standards of your specific genre. Maintaining proper length can significantly improve both its appeal and commercial success.

Setting out with an intent to craft a work that educates while captivating readers is a skill that takes time and effort. Utilize the advice from this article as you polish your draft. And remember, it’s wise not only to embrace but actively seek input from qualified and trusted beta readers—those individuals who represent future audiences—to confirm that your narrative indeed strikes a chord with potential readerships.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many words should a nonfiction book have?

A nonfiction book should generally be between 50,000 and 80,000 words, which is the sweet spot for both readers and publishers.

Sticking within this range will help ensure your book is engaging and marketable.

What is the ideal word count for a self-help book?

Targeting for a word count of 40,000 to 60,000 words is an excellent strategy for a self-help book.

By keeping within this limit, your writing will be succinct while still covering the subject thoroughly.

How many words are typical for a business book?

A typical business book is usually between 50,000 and 70,000 words long. This length is ideal for giving readers valuable insights without overwhelming them.

What word count should memoirs aim for?

Aim for a memoir word count of around 60,000 to 90,000 words to give your story enough depth and detail.

This range helps effectively convey your unique experiences.

How can I adjust my manuscript's word count if it's too long or too short?

You can easily adjust your manuscript’s word count by adding more detailed descriptions or chapters if it’s too short, trimming unnecessary words and sections, and staying focused on what's most relevant to the story.

A good balance will enhance your story!

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