Setting Goals for Your Role of Authorpreneur Speaker
Jan 27, 2021
Last week you focused on setting goals in your role as Authorpreneur Marketer. This week let’s consider that one of the roles you assigned to yourself this year is Speaker and Keynoter.
Remind yourself of the definition of an authorpreneur: An authorpreneur is an entrepreneur who offers products and services based on their books.
As authorpreneur, with the role as a Speaker, you offer the service of giving lectures/speeches/talks with your topic based upon your book’s message. If you’re a fiction author, you can still give speeches based on your story or your role as a writer, or even your role as an authorpreneur.
The more keynotes and speaking opportunities you book the more your audience and influence will grow which, in turn, leads to broadening and increasing your influence. Setting specific goals and weekly actions related to those goals will increase the number of speaking opportunities you obtain.
Goal Setting Exercise
Let’s do a goal setting exercise again. Assign yourself a goal for the year, that goal will be broken down into 1 goal per month, and then 1 goal a week. These goals are the bite-size steps that help you accomplish the monthly goal and then the ultimate bigger yearly goal. Don’t forget the X to Y by When formula!
So let’s say you’re setting a yearly goal of calendaring 12 future speaking engagements.
Yearly Goal: Book 12 Speaking Engagements
Monthly Goal: Create my message
Goal Week 1: Research topics that my audience will be interested in. If I don’t know, I will ask. Narrow it down to 3-4 topics.
Goal Week 2: Write a 20-30 minute speech. Schedule the time daily.
Goal Week 3: Practice 20 minutes/day. Practice in front of a mirror, then when I’m more comfortable, practice in front of a camera. Schedule the time.
Goal Week #4: Continue practicing and refining my speech. This week, practice in front of a friend who will give me honest feedback. Schedule the time.
Next Month’s Goal: Promote my outbound marketing platform.
Week 1: Post an article, story, or blog post on my social media platforms and my author bio. Post that I’m available for speaking engagements.
Week 2: Outbound marketing. Announce my speaking business on all of my platforms: FB, IG, LinkedIn, Author Central, anywhere I have a presence. Refine and clarify your message on your social platforms. Spend time this week adding speaking engagements to all bios and author sites
Week 3: Reach out to my family and friends and offer my speaking services. Do a local search for book clubs and offer my speaking services. Offer my speaking services to my local library, local community colleges, and bookstores—all are looking for zoom events right now.
Week 4: Follow up with a phone call to my local library, community college, book clubs, family, and friends. Offer my first event for free. Don’t stop until I book at least 1 speaking engagement.
Week 1: Solicit feedback and implement it into my speeches.
Week 2: Post on all my platforms that my speeches now require a fee.
And so on.
Remember, this is just an example and a suggestion. Do what works for you. If you’re new to goal setting or your fears are hanging over you like a black cloud, then I recommend creating a goal so small that it is impossible not to achieve. From there, you build your goal-setting muscles. Soon you’ll be bench pressing the example I suggested in this post.
Call Juxtabook if you need some help on how to launch your speaking business.
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