The Main Thing Is To Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing
Aug 12, 2020
“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.”
Stephen R. Covey, international bestselling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
As a writer, an entrepreneur, a thought leader, and a visionary—have you sat down and really truly defined your main thing? Whatever you are doing right now, whatever you are working on, do you have clear vision of the outcome you want to achieve? And do you know how you’re going to get there?
You’ve probably heard of the SMART acronym –specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. SMART isn’t just for school kids, SMART helps you define your “main thing” and then helps you to keep it the main thing.
So, here’s an exercise for you. Let’s commit to making the main thing the main thing as it comes to your writing. Here’s an example of how it works.
SPECIFIC: My business needs an infusion of new clients. I have determined that I can reach more people through a blog. I launch my blog on January 1 and I am planning a vacation at Thanksgiving. I want to have eight blog posts “in the can” before I go on vacation so that when I return I can focus on marketing plans.
MEASURABLE: eight blog posts of 250-500 words each in 120 days
ACHIEVABLE: Every two weeks I can easily write an additional 250-500 words a day. I have 30 minutes of downtime between dinner and bed.
REALISTIC: I have five great ideas already lined up. I have a dedicated space for writing. I have an accountability partner.
TIMELY: I am ready and excited for this new opportunity. There is a demand for ghostwriters, copywriters, and editors and I have the talent and expertise to meet their needs.
RIGHT NOW, this minute, fill in the blanks for your own SMART goal:
From the above SMART test, your main thing is now the main thing. You have the goal defined, you have a clear vision of what it is, it’s achievable—and I mean it’s really achievable now that you look at it in this context. Realistic? Sure! It’s not really a stretch, it's just making time for it; and it is time for you to grow your business.
Join me on this journey. Show me your main thing and let’s do it together. Call for a consult if you need a coach to help you get started.
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