Ep. 44 - 5 Simple Steps to Identify Your Audience Hangout Place Using Amazon

Discover how Amazon can be a crucial tool for authors to research genres, trends, and competitors. This episode offers a concise guide on using Amazon's vast data to refine your book's positioning and audience understanding.


  1. Identify Your Genre: Begin by clearly defining your book's genre. Precision here sets the stage for effective research.
  2. Find Your Amazon Category: Use Amazon's categories to pinpoint where your book belongs. Focus on the top three categories that align with your content.
  3. Research Books and Authors: Explore similar titles in your categories. Aim to identify books with shared audiences, concentrating on those with an Amazon rank under 50,000.
  4. Social Media Analysis: Investigate the social media presence of relevant authors to gauge audience engagement. This step helps identify where potential readers are most active.
  5. Select a Social Media Platform: Based on your findings, choose one platform to start building your audience. Focus on learning its intricacies to maximize your engagement efforts.

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